Thursday 10 December 2015

On Job Training - Chevron Indonesia Company

Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
July - August 2015

I get a lot of experience in this company such as teamwork, presentation, processing (well tie seismic) and interpretation (fault and horizon). I work on South Area - Subsurface at Reservoir Management Division as Geophysics. The title of my project is 'feasibility test on CIC field using seismic KDM data to PMDC using Hampson-Russell and Petrel software'. 



At Chevron Indonesia. co, KLO (Kalimantan Operation) has an existing field, CIC Field, which  located on  Balikpapan Block operational area of Southern Area with 18 success drilling-well. Based on that, indicate that there is still a prospecting area that has an economic value, so it has been decided to do the POFD (Prepare of Further Development). PMDC (Post Migration Data Conditioning) is a process that begins with preparing the data, including of collecting seismic data, log, and another supporting reference about CIC Field so further processing and interpretation process can be done. The purpose is to get a hint of the location of prospecting area, knowing where to place new wells and how many has to be placed. Feasibility study should be done first, but because of data gather hasn’t been received yet, so that hasn’t been done.
There are some problems during the internship, one of them is the data preparation which taking too long time because the data that hasn’t been completed even though the entire data base of the company was saved in staff data management (as a soft file) and in the library (as a hard file). Final well report, composite log, or final engineering report can be used as further reference data. Information that was needed from the well data were coordinate, true vertical depth, measured depth, and spud date, only some of the data has the same value as the later reference. Those things make the validity of the data should be questioned. Like the coordinate, the coordinate is really important information, so if the coordinate is wrong then the location of the target is also wrong and the target can’t be found. Another process is preparing the marker, to make it easier for the interpreter to locate the horizon, the marker has been collected as one. But there are still some problems such as header log that can’t be found on composite log which make it harder to read the log, CIC-4RD1. The entire process has been documented as a detailed final report.
Another data that still needed are Log Vs ( secondary velocity), that log will help to indicate the kind of fluid because S-wave is the wave that can’t be transferred through the liquid, then the checkshot, because that log will really help to tie the seismic data with well data (well-seismic tie). Chevron Indonesia. co is a leading company in oil field and a professional one, so some problems that has been said above should be noticed. Those things will help the company to get an expert in the future.

Schedule (in Bahasa Indonesia)
Bulan Hari Tanggal  Kegiatan
Juli Senin 6 Melengkapi administrasi KP, perkenalan dengan Pak Willy (Pembimbing)
Selasa 7 Pelatihan HES, perkenalan dengan Pak Rusdi (Data Management)
Rabu 8 Diskusi materi KP dan pembekalan kondisi perindustrian di industri minyak
Kamis 9 Studi literatur area Seguni, perkenalan dengan Pak Steve (Manager Subsurface)
Jumat 10 Pengambilan data di bagian data management, data tersebut berupa data LAS dan laporan mengenai log berupa composite log, marker serta final well report
Sabtu 11 Libur
Minggu 12 Libur
Senin 13 Melakukan validasi terhadap data untuk melihat kelengkapan data tersebut dengan menginput data pada MS.Excel
Selasa 14 Data telah diinput dan melakukan prinscreen pada composite log dan dicocokan dengan marker yang telah ada
Rabu 15 Terdapat perbedaan data pada sumber yang berbeda, maka mulai melakukan pengumpulan data kembali di Library dengan bertemu Ibu Diah (pustakawan)
Kamis 16 Data laporan berupa final engineering report telah didapat dan diinput pada Ms.Excel, Data lain yang perlu dicari lagi adalah data lintasan sumur untuk mengetahui mentuk sumur yang tidak lurus
Jumat 17 Libur
Sabtu 18 Libur
Minggu 19 Libur
Senin 20 Data telah selesai dikumpulkan semua berdasarkan informasi yang tersedia baik di data managemen dan library, perbedaan data (perlu diklarifikasi) telah disampaikan pada pembimbing
Selasa 21 Karena pengumpulan data tahap awal telah selesai maka kegiatan KP berikutnya adalah pengajaran terhadap software HRS dan Petrel
Rabu 22 Membaca tutorial HRS
Kamis 23 HRS: Input log, koordinat
Jumat 24 HRS: Input lintasan sumur
Sabtu 25 HRS: Input marker
Minggu 26 Diperlukan data seismik maka perlu meminta pada data managemen
Senin 27 HRS: Melakukan input data seismik
Selasa 28
Rabu 29 HRS: Eksrtrak Wavelet, Well tie seismik
Kamis 30 HRS: Inversi AI
Jumat 31 Membuat laporan KP
Agustus  Sabtu 1 Libur
Minggu 2 Libur
Senin 3 Membuat laporan KP
Selasa 4 Membuat laporan KP
Rabu 5 ACC
Kamis 6 ACC

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