Sunday 29 March 2015

Field Introduction of Geology Compass and GPS - Collaboration SEG and ZP


Field Introduction of Petrology with Geology Compass and GPS


Organizing Committee
Society of Exploration Geophysicists Student Chapter and Zero Phase Geophysics Adventure of Pembangunan Nasional University 

Facilitator / Sponsor

Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Departement of Geophysical Engginering at Pembangunan Nasional University


Society of Exploration Geophysicists Student Chapter and Zero Phase Geophysics Adventure are two organizations from Departement of Geophysical Engineering at Pembangunan Nasional University. The difference, SEG SC is organization based on science while ZP Geophysics Adventure is organization based on adventure. Know about the difference and then integrating both can make an event than can be complementary.
Why we do it? It’s a simple question. Student in second semester from Geophysical Engineering Department at University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta are student who will be registrant for many organization in department later. And also they will undergo the first practicum, petrology. Both is a good chance if we do a promotion about our organizations. It’s can make a simple theme, we can integrating SEG SC and ZP Geophysics Adventure to introduction about petrology. So we can cooperation such as SEG SC will giving a tuition like an open class then ZP Geophysics Adventure will giving a tuition like a fieldtrip.


This program will be presented by: 
Hafiz Hamdalah, S.T.


The participants are Students in Second Semester from Geophysical Engineering (68 people) Department at University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta. 


Sunday, March 1st 2015

07.30 – 07.45 Greeting and Opening Ceremony at UPN, Greeting by Chairperson
07.45 – 08.45 Introduction about GPS and Geology Compass by Hafiz Hamdalah
08.45 – 11.00 Application of GPS and Geology Compass with Field Instructor
11.00 – 11.45 Evaluation then Promotion about SEG SC and ZP to Participant
11.45 - 12.00 Closing 


The Activities carried well. We appreciate, are open to, and will be happy to accept any suggestions or constructive criticism for this activities to improve the professionalism of our next activities. Thank you in advance for the support and cooperation. We hope this event can greatly provide a beneficial contribution for students.

Yogyakarta, March 26th 2015


Faid Muhlis

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